The Trauma-Informed Somatic Approach for Working with Chronic Stress & Nervous System Dysregulation

Embodied Processing is a Somatic & Psycho-Therapeutic approach to exploring the roots of trauma, anxiety, depression, overwhelm, addiction and other stress related issues, through a Poly-Vagal Nervous System lens.


Embodied processing is an evidence informed, integrative and holistic approach to embodied transformation, designed to work with the whole human from the bottom up, top down and inside out. We incorporate and draw inspiration from many cutting edge modalities and neurosciencists including Somatic Experiencing (SE), Polyvagal Theory (Stephen Porges), NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM), NeuroAffective Touch (NATouch), Internal Family Systems (IFS), The Diamond Approach (Open Ended Inquiry), Compassionate Inquiry (CI) and more.

EP is a somatic & psycho-spiritual modality that is grounded in both the latest neuroscience as well as the ancient healing traditions. The process helps us to draw on the body’s innate intelligence to discharge stress, heal, and return to homeostasis. By guiding ourselves and our clients to meet ourselves at the roots, exactly as we are; transformation happens on its own.

Meet the Trainers

with a combined 40 years experience in the field & unrivalled passion for helping others return to their innate sense of wholeness

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Ryan Hassan

EP L2 T / Hypno / RCT

Ryan is Co-Creator of Embodied Processing & Founder/CEO at The Centre for Healing. 
A lived experience practitioner with nearly a decades experience of seeing clients one on one, Ryan has trained in various modalities around trauma and alternative healing.
Ryan has been a Trauma Therapist for many years and has successfully helped countless people get past their Addictions & Mental Health issues through his experience, understanding and knowledge. He created and managed an outpatient clinic in Melbourne for years, launching a holistic program to help clients achieve amazing results. With a team of practitioners and hundreds of programs delivered, Ryan attributes the success to the 'human approach' which see the uniqueness of the individual and not a label or diagnoses. The Centre for Healing is now an online education/practitioner training platform with over 60,000 students worldwide.

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Matt Kay

EP L2 T / HC Dip / TRTP / AOD Cert 4

Matt is a Somatic Psychotherapist and Co-Creator of Embodied Processing. Utilising his lived experiential knowledge and expertise on trauma and developmental trauma. Matt has worked in private practice for the last 8 years as a therapist, he has worked in various drug and alcohol rehabs supporting others in their recovery. Matt is a certified Holistic Counsellor, Addiction specialist, a certified AOD (alcohol and other drug) worker, Hypnotherapist, as well as various other modalities.
Matt’s integrative approach brings together the wisdom from ancient spiritual traditions and teachings of the nature of consciousness, as well as the modern neuroscience around trauma and the nervous system. All Matt’s teaching is intuitive, open-ended and exploratory in nature, pointing students toward a space of presence where their own wisdom and innate intelligence can bring about integration, healing and insight.

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Noel Haarburger

B.B.SC, B’Ed (counselling) / Adv Dip Gestalt Therapy / Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) / MAPS / ClinGANZ / Psychologist / Gestalt Therapist Trainer at GTA

Noel has been a faculty member at Gestalt Therapy Australia since 2001, and has worked in full time private practice as a Psychologist and Psychotherapist working with individuals and couples for over 20 years, as well as offering supervision to allied health professionals. He also practices and trains Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and Nature Assisted eco-therapy at the equine psychotherapy institute in Daylesford.

Noel has worked extensively in a wide variety of counselling and psychological services since 1995, including the role of Senior Psychologist at Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre, family counselling, drug and alcohol, sexual assault, problematic gambling, men’s behavioural change programs and the mental health fields during his career.

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Stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, trauma, overwhelm, people pleasing, dysfunctional relationship patterns, self sabotage, low self esteem, chronic pain…

All of this has roots that live as contracted stress in our body which dysregulates our nervous system, causing suffering and pain in our daily lives. Although talk therapy can be very beneficial when it comes to the wounds from unprocessed adverse experience it doesn't touch the stress that is stored in the body, just like talking about a broken leg will not help it find resolution.

When we are working primarily with the thinking mind by reframing, cognizing, pathologizing, diagnosing and looking for intellectual bandaids, when it comes to emotional wounding these practices can only assist as coping strategies and keeping the underlying pain out of consciousness, without bringing about any true or deep transformation.

Embodied Processing is a technique which is used to safely meet and digest the underlying wounds, which is what often hides behind and is the driving force of many of our surface symptoms.


When working somatically it is essential that we develop enough capacity to meet unprocessed stress within the felt sense of our physical body.

As we begin to safely bring attention down into the body and meet the parts of ourselves which we have innocently repressed or suppressed, our window of tolerance grows and overtime we develop the ability to meet more dense and intense levels of sensation without falling into overwhelm. When we learn to meet ourselves with unconditional love and acceptance, our past begins to metabolise and we naturally begin to live a more present and embodied life.

This is a transformative training where all students are encouraged to work through their own childhood wounds, limitations, insecurities, triggers and stressors and embody the teachings and techniques in their daily lives.

Whether you are a psychologist, coach, counsellor, healer, yoga teacher, massage therapist or someone who is wishing to deepen your own healing journey, EP will give you the skills, insights and understanding to safely and effectively work with your own nervous system and that of your clients.

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What will I gain? 

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Learn to work with nervous system stress from the ground up, working with the physiology of the body as well as psychological processes

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Join a thriving Student Community of over 800 like-minded individuals to practice & connect with

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Gain certification as an Embodied Processing Practitioner & start sharing your medicine with the world

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What you will learn

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Welcome to EP

Topics covered in module:

- How to approach and engage in this training
- What’s expected
- Traps in the Healing world
- Setting the right context
- Disembodiment vs Embodiment
- How to approach the techniques you’ll learn
- Emergency measures
- Your WHY


Trauma (Part 1)

Topics covered in module:

- What is Trauma?
- Developmental trauma
- Acute Trauma
- Preconscious/Precognitive Trauma
- Intergenerational Trauma
- Collective Trauma
- Resourcing

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Trauma (Part 2)

Topics covered in module:

- The nervous system and Polyvagal theory (neuroscience of trauma)
- Trauma & memory
- Identity and trauma
- Trauma and relationships
- Trauma and our worldview
- The importance of nervous system regulation
- Bottom up approach vs Top down approach
- Working with/meeting sensation


Foundations as a Practitioner

Topics covered in module:

- Holding space as a practitioner
- Becoming attuned to our own nervous system states in session
- Attunement with client
- Mirroring/Relaying back
- Nervous System Regulation with client (co-regulation)
- Sharing your experience with a client...yes or no?
- Traps Practitioners can fall into
- Growing in capacity

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Topics covered in module:

- What is an Emotion & why are they are so important
- Developing emotional awareness, from thinking to feeling
- How to work with shame
- Anger, primal rage, the belly and the jaw
- Working with Fear, contrasting fear and safety, terror of annihilation
- Emotional survival patterns
- Addiction or Suppression of emotions (positive or negative)
- Craving & Aversion
- The difference between emotions and states
- Sympathetic vs parasympathetic emotions
- Anchoring positive emotions into the body
- Emotionally Numb?


Conscious, Unconscious & The Body

Topics covered in module:

- Conscious vs subconscious mind (first 7 years)
- The body is the unconscious mind
- Unconscious core beliefs
- The language of the unconscious mind
- Can we make true conscious change?
- Unconscious self sabotage
- Who programs us?
- Making the unconscious conscious
- Seeing through core beliefs instead of changing them
- Working with resistance

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Topics covered in module:

- What actually is addiction?
- Trauma, addiction and Polyvagal theory
- Sympathetic vs parasympathetic drugs
- Are we all addicted?
- The Addiction Pyramid
- Drug & Alcohol addiction
- Behavioural addictions
- Food addiction
- Addiction as a gateway to healing
- Compulsion to escape
- Rules for working with addiction
- Importance of community and external support


Trauma & Spirituality

Topics covered in module:

- Trauma and Spirituality
- Upward path/Downward path
- Healing trauma and spiritual growth
- Spiritual Bypassing
- Awareness : That which was never harmed, has never changed
- The 3 Dantians (brains) - Head, Heart, Gut
- Existential Trauma, Birth, Life and Death
- Past life trauma or subconscious metaphor?
- Presence
- Archetypes and symbols
- Identity

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The Process

Topics covered in module:

- EP Overview
- Initial Session/Consultation
- Determining what is to be Investigated
- Grounding in Resource
- Inviting in the Trigger
- Discerning the Emotion
- Finding Origins
- Processing Techniques
- Finding Resolution/Completion
- Finishing a Session
- Emergency Measures
- Demo Sessions

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What you will learn

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Welcome to EP

Topics covered in module:

- How to approach and engage in this training
- What’s expected
- Traps in the Healing world
- Setting the right context
- Disembodiment vs Embodiment
- How to approach the techniques you’ll learn
- Emergency measures
- Your WHY

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Trauma (Part 1)

Topics covered in module:

- What is Trauma?
- Developmental trauma
- Acute Trauma
- Preconscious/Precognitive Trauma
- Intergenerational Trauma
- Collective Trauma
- Resourcing

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Trauma (Part 2)

Topics covered in module:

- The nervous system and Polyvagal theory (neuroscience of trauma)
- Trauma & memory
- Identity and trauma
- Trauma and relationships
- Trauma and our worldview
- The importance of nervous system regulation
- Bottom up approach vs Top down approach
- Working with/meeting sensation

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Foundations as a Practitioner

Topics covered in module:

- Holding space as a practitioner
- Becoming attuned to our own nervous system states in session
- Attunement with client
- Mirroring/Relaying back
- Nervous System Regulation with client (co-regulation)
- Sharing your experience with a client...yes or no?
- Traps Practitioners can fall into
- Growing in capacity

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Topics covered in module:

- What is an Emotion & why are they are so important
- Developing emotional awareness, from thinking to feeling
- How to work with shame
- Anger, primal rage, the belly and the jaw
- Working with Fear, contrasting fear and safety, terror of annihilation
- Emotional survival patterns
- Addiction or Suppression of emotions (positive or negative)
- Craving & Aversion
- The difference between emotions and states
- Sympathetic vs parasympathetic emotions
- Anchoring positive emotions into the body
- Emotionally Numb?

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Conscious, Unconscious & The Body

Topics covered in module:

- Conscious vs subconscious mind (first 7 years)
- The body is the unconscious mind
- Unconscious core beliefs
- The language of the unconscious mind
- Can we make true conscious change?
- Unconscious self sabotage
- Who programs us?
- Making the unconscious conscious
- Seeing through core beliefs instead of changing them
- Working with resistance

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Topics covered in module:

- What actually is addiction?
- Trauma, addiction and Polyvagal theory
- Sympathetic vs parasympathetic drugs
- Are we all addicted?
- The Addiction Pyramid
- Drug & Alcohol addiction
- Behavioural addictions
- Food addiction
- Addiction as a gateway to healing
- Compulsion to escape
- Rules for working with addiction
- Importance of community and external support

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Trauma & Spirituality

Topics covered in module:

- Trauma and Spirituality
- Upward path/Downward path
- Healing trauma and spiritual growth
- Spiritual Bypassing
- Awareness : That which was never harmed, has never changed
- The 3 Dantians (brains) - Head, Heart, Gut
- Existential Trauma, Birth, Life and Death
- Past life trauma or subconscious metaphor?
- Presence
- Archetypes and symbols
- Identity

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The Process

Topics covered in module:

- EP Overview
- Initial Session/Consultation
- Determining what is to be Investigated
- Grounding in Resource
- Inviting in the Trigger
- Discerning the Emotion
- Finding Origins
- Processing Techniques
- Finding Resolution/Completion
- Finishing a Session
- Emergency Measures
- Demo Sessions

Once we have a clear understanding and map we can take the journey through our inner landscape and navigate the terrains of the unconscious and the body. On this journey we gain insight into things about ourselves that have remained outside of our awareness, we make the unconscious conscious.

This then gives us the ability to be able to move toward and re-integrate the parts of our sense of self that we have orphaned.

Having this map, we will also teach you a technique that will assist in guiding you through the terrain, and safely meet and metabolise what arises. With this training you will receive the most up to date understanding of the nervous system through a trauma-informed lens, based on the latest research and neuroscience as well as in depth insights and spiritual knowledge from ancient traditions.

This training incorporates both eastern and western philosophies, combining the two and packaging them into a simple, yet effective process that works.

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The promise we give is that you will be given a simple, yet comprehensive model based on the latest neuroscience to understand the human experience, as well as an effective process to work on yourself and also with clients.

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But don't take it from us

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"I am thrilled to share my heartfelt testimonial for Matt and Ryan, the brilliant creators of Embodied Processing. As someone with a psychology honours degree and a master's in counselling and psychotherapy, I have engaged in various training programs, but none have left such a profound impact as this one.

Embodied Processing is, without a doubt, the very best training I have ever experienced. What sets it apart is the seamless integration of neuroscience and ancient healing traditions, aligning perfectly with my beliefs and professional background. The comprehensive approach to understanding and addressing trauma is unparalleled, and I found myself captivated by the depth of knowledge presented."

- Sharon Nicole

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"Been waiting my whole life for this...

The Embodied Processing course is what I have been waiting my whole life for, thank you Matt & Ryan, this training is so well put together, it's filled so many gaps in my knowledge, you're both very generous with your time and your wisdom and the community you have created is wonderful.

I'm so excited to take this out into the world."

- Michelle Nunan

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"I am absolutely in awe of this training - Embodied Processing. The honesty, authenticity, relatedness and truth of Matt and Ryan's experience shines through...

The information and techniques are cutting edge and based on all the latest research which is quoted and referred to regularly throughout the course. As I moved through the modules I was supported every step of the way by both Ryan and Matt and the wider student community.

I cannot recommend this course highly enough if you are looking to understand and work with the ways in which trauma impacts either your own life or the lives of others. Thank you from the bottom of my heart... What a gift."

- Sonia Walker

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Embodied Processing - Practitioner Training

The Trauma-Informed Somatic Approach for Working With Chronic Stress & Nervous System Dysregulation

- Lifetime access to course material
- Live monthly Q&A's with Ryan, Matt & Noel
- Student Community Access (daily interaction on Facebook)
- Weekly Study & Practice Groups with EP Faculty Members
- Access the training at your own pace on laptop, tablet or phone
- Insurance & Membership through IICT (prior tertiary learning) 
- 80 CPD Points

Upfront Enrolment

$3300 (USD)


  • Self-paced
  • Lifetime Access
  • One-Off Amount
  • Community & Support
  • (No hidden costs) Certification Included
  • Save the most $$$

6 Month Payment Plan



  • Self-paced
  • Lifetime Access
  • No Credit Checks
  • Community & Support
  • (No hidden costs) Certification Included
  • Pay Over Time

12 Month Payment Plan



  • Self-paced
  • Lifetime Access
  • No Credit Checks
  • Community & Support
  • (No hidden costs) Certification Included
  • Pay Over Time
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The model and map that you will learn in this training is one that will take you into a new paradigm. We teach you a model that is inclusive, embodied and integrated in its way of viewing mental health, trauma, addiction and spirituality. We will give you a new way of understanding, viewing and relating to your identity, personality and sense of self as a whole.

By viewing things in this new way it opens us up to a sense of curiosity which has the potential to deepen and deepen, we can begin to relate to our experience in new exploratory ways. The practice and attitude becomes embodied and lived, which creates the potential to then translate into a life of endless insights and discoveries.

The trauma-informed and experiential understanding, if fully grasped, has the potential to transform the way you navigate and relate to life as a whole.


Embodied Processing - Practitioner Training

The Trauma-Informed Somatic Approach for Working With Chronic Stress & Nervous System Dysregulation

- Lifetime access to course material
- Live monthly Q&A's with Ryan, Matt & Noel
- Student Community Access (daily interaction on Facebook)
- Weekly Study & Practice Groups with EP Faculty Members
- Access the training at your own pace on laptop, tablet or phone
- Insurance & Membership through IICT (prior tertiary learning) 
- 80 CPD Points









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Hear from our past students...

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"I am a Counsellor & Psychotherapist in private practice. I praise Matt & Ryan in their presentation of Embodied Processing, it has been such an inspiring journey giving me a greater confidence to process & integrate the practice within my sessions. I would say that this is my most enjoyed online training I have done & I loved the humour along the way as it did bring in my own feelings, emotions, but they were short lived. Thank you so much for an amazing experience. I am truly grateful & excited to get EP happening."

- Sheran Lees-Maric

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"I am on a road to healing extreme pain and a reluctance to inhabit my body at all. The course has given me confidence to feel all of those feelings from my past and techniques to feel safe while doing so. The course brought together everything I’ve learned thus far in a comprehensive way. I am looking forward to hopefully some resolution and embodiment. Many thanks Matt and Ryan, you were great!"

- Jude Rafferty

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"Over a period of years I have attended many courses both face to face and online. This course delivers above and beyond expectations; it is packaged in such a way that is not overwhelming, breaks down new ideas, tools and techniques into really easily doable chunks which gives you the confidence to try each section building on what you learn. The support is phenomenal, the students pose great questions and both Matt and Ryan handle each question intelligently and with compassion as some things can be triggering to all of us who have experienced Trauma. There is no judgment, and we have been encouraged at every step to engage with them and with each other. The option to buddy up for practice sessions has been really helpful; the more you engage with the online community the more you will get from this course. Highly recommend this to anyone."

- Carole Randell

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"Change the world one soul at the time :) I have just finished my 3rd training with The Centre for Healing and I cannot speak highly enough of how amazing Mel, Ryan & Matt are. Their knowledge, compassion and love in their teaching is so inspiring and empowering. After losing my job and now building my business with these trauma-informed modalities is what feels aligned with my true self and purpose in this life. I cannot thank you guys enough for bringing this training into the world for the good of humanity."

- Yvonne Haeaefke

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"Excellent teaching and support. This isn't just a course you're sold, it's a community. 5 starts given wholeheartedly. Great customer service and communication too."

- Anne R.

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Embodied Processing - Practitioner Training

The Trauma-Informed Somatic Approach for Working With Chronic Stress & Nervous System Dysregulation

- Lifetime access to course material
- Live monthly Q&A's with Ryan, Matt & Noel
- Student Community Access (daily interaction on Facebook)
- Weekly Study & Practice Groups with EP Faculty Members
- Access the training at your own pace on laptop, tablet or phone
- Insurance & Membership through IICT (prior tertiary learning) 
- 80 CPD Points









Upfront Enrolment

$3300 (USD)


  • Self-paced
  • Lifetime Access
  • One-Off Amount
  • Community & Support
  • (No hidden costs) Certification Included
  • Save the most $$$

6 Month Payment Plan



  • Self-paced
  • Lifetime Access
  • No Credit Checks
  • Community & Support
  • (No hidden costs) Certification Included
  • Pay Over Time

12 Month Payment Plan



  • Self-paced
  • Lifetime Access
  • No Credit Checks
  • Community & Support
  • (No hidden costs) Certification Included
  • Pay Over Time
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Please Note: The language around trauma and therapy/healing in this training is in accordance with the laws in Australia. Other countries such as the USA have different laws around the language one can use as to how they advertise themselves which can vary state to state. Please check the specific laws for your location when it comes to deciding what to promote yourself as if working with clientele. EP takes no responsibility for issues relating to this topic; it is up to each trainee and EP practitioner to find out what is legal in their country/state.