$850.00 AUD

6 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases


  • The information within this training is based on years of lived experience, client sessions, alternative therapy training and independent research and is considered to be outside of mainstream medical treatment. You agree that you understand that the trainers are not medical professionals and that EP is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prevention or cure of any condition or disease.
  • Taking this training and receiving certification does not make you a medical professional, the certification is as an EP practitioner which in victoria comes under a general health practitioner. You agree that you will not advertise, give advice, or work with clients who are outside of the scope of practice unless you are also a medical professional.

  • Once certified in EP practitioners may advertise and call themselves by the following titles, Embodied Processing Practitioner, Somatic Practitioner/Therapist, Trauma Informed/Trauma Aware Practitioner, Nervous System Coach, Embodiment Coach, Somatic Coach, Stress Specialist and any other variations of these may be suitable. Please be aware that different laws apply to titles in different countries and locations, for example in the USA the word therapist is a protected title and completing the EP training will not meet the requirements for someone to be able to call themselves a therapist, though in Australia therapist is not a protected title and we may call ourselves a Somatic Therapist upon completing certification. Those students who already hold titles in Psychology, Psychiatry, Counselling, Psychotherapy or other mainstream degrees may call themselves Trauma Specialists or Trauma Therapists or add specialist titles onto their name. It is the responsibility of each student/practitioner to navigate and speak to the relevant professionals (lawyers, insurance companies) to navigate what is legally allowed in their location that they will be practicing.

  • The Embodied Processing Trainers and Faculty recommend that those who undergo the training to use the modality with the public already have some experience in the field and posses certifications in other health, wellbeing, medical or other kinds of health professions (eg. Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Counsellor, Life Coaching, Yoga teaching, Massage Therapist, Hypnotherapist or other holsitic or mainstream modalities) or, if do not already posses the experience intend to do so some stage after completing the EP training. If EP is intended on being used in professional practice it is recommended to be used as a supplementary course for further professional development to add into private practice. If you are entering the training for your own personal rather than professional development and do not intend on working with the public then this does not apply to you, EP training also welcomes those who intend to gain further insight, tools and processes to use in the safety of the EP community for your own personal deepening and development.
  • If you are joining this training for your own healing then you agree and understand that your journey is your responsibility, and you understand that we simply offer a perspective and technique that we have found to be effective for our clients and for ourselves personally, we do not prescribe anything that guarantees any kind of outcome for every person.

  • When speaking of “healing” we are not referring to medical or physical conditions, but rather an experience where the traumatised parts of the psyche and body are given a chance to integrate and release. On occasion we have seen physical symptoms disappear, but this is not what we are referring to and have conducted no studies ourselves on the connection between trauma release and the healing of physical illness. If you are experiencing any physical, medical or ongoing psychological issues please see a medical professional.

  • Any decision made from the interpretation of content is a student's responsibility. Based on the information in this training if one is considering making a life altering decision, for example leaving one's partner or family, changing or coming off medication, trying psychedelic medicines or any other decision where there may be consequences EP takes no responsibility for these decisions and we encourage every student to seek alternative opinions and support when making them.
  • Any discussion on medication is not to be taken literally and any decision around your own personal medication needs to be made with your GP, psychiatrist or prescribing professional.

  • EP ensures there are no hidden costs, and will be no future hidden costs brought in to take part in the EP student community.

  • The information and techniques in this training are based on the evolving field of somatic therapy and neuroscience, as of 2022 these techniques and theories are up to date and inclusive of the findings of many of the major professionals within this field. If whilst going through the content you find any information has become outdated, please let us know and we will update the content.

  • If a student is experiencing financial hardship and can no longer afford to pay the payments (if on payment plan) please contact us and we will do our best to support and cator for your situation.

  • The language and content within this training is in accordance with Australian Laws. It is up to each student to research the laws within their own country or state as to which language they are able to use whilst advertising themselves as an EP practitioner. For example, in the USA it is prohibited for practitioners to use terms “healing trauma” or to talk about “trauma” unless they are a licensed professional (eg. Psychologist or Doctor). In this case, you can speak to us about alternative ways to promote your work.

  • Given the nature of trauma and what is required to heal it, we have created a safe community for students to practice the techniques with each other and receive support. The trainers are closely involved in this community and will do their best to oversee and continue to create safe dynamics for people to heal within, given the size of the community we are not always able to see every issue that arises though we will always do our best to maintain the safety within the community, EP takes no responsibility for any disagreements or conflicts between students.

  • Trainers will do their best to maintain a sense of professional boundaries with all students, whilst at the same time maintaining a sense of human connection and attunement which is required for the transformation of trauma. The EP community is not a sterile or medical environment, but rather a place where we can all attune and transform together. Given the nature of this at times it can feel as though the lines between professionalism and friendship are blurred. EP takes no responsibility for the interpretation of dual relationships within the community due to the nature of this kind of community.

  • EP will do its best to support all students, but given the large number of people in the community we can not always meet the needs of every student. If you are needing extra support please reach out to us directly or seek extra support.

  • EP reserves the right to remove any students who breach community standards. Anyone who is: abusive, exploiting others financially, does sexual or other unsafe and unprofessional kinds of behaviour within the community will be removed so long as the trainers are made aware of the situation. This behaviour will result in removal from facebook groups and loss of contact to other students through EP platforms. If contact continues to occur outside of EP platforms EP takes no responsibility for this and this then needs to be dealt with outside of EP.

  • If you are suffering from suicidal ideation, BPD (borderline personality disorder), DID (dissociative identity disorder), or other forms of mental illness EP states that this training is not treat these kinds of diagnosis and that they should be treated by a medical professional, in these cases we still hope and have at times seen the information and techniques be helpful for those who are suffering with these diagnosis. 

  • EP reserves the right to consider and refuse refund requests depending on the situation, this is up to trainer discretion.

  • Once certified in EP the process of building a business, getting clients and receiving income from sessions is the responsibility of the student/practitioner and has nothing to do with EP trainers or training. If you are looking to switch careers and have this be your profession and source of income then please note that even though we will support you as best we can this is your responsibility and not that of EP trainers or training and we take no responsibility for the failure or success of this.

  • It is the responsibility of students and practitioners to become aware of and familiar with the governing bodies, codes of conduct and laws for their own specific state, territory or country whilst advertising and engaging with clients.

  • By signing this form you are agreeing that you understand all of the above, and that signing up to EP training is your own decision and you are agreeing that you are aware of the potential benefits vs risks.

By signing below you are agreeing that you have read through the above terms and conditions, have been made aware of the potential risks and benefits of joining EP training and understand the above points clearly.


As EP trainers we will do our best to keep our community safe and conflict free. We do not take responsibility for anything that happens outside of EP platforms with other students and if a friendship or relationship evolves out of engagement with this community then this is the responsibility of the students and not of EP training or trainers. Anything that happens outside of the EP platforms is not within the jurisdiction of EP and therefore it is the responsibility of the students to take appropriate action. It is up to the trainers discretion to decide whether someone is in breach of community standards and whether this breach happened within the container of the EP community.

We have created some basic community standards and guidelines and we will use our own discretion to decide when these have been breached. It is up to the student to make the trainers aware if any of the following are occuring: 

  • Verbal abuse of other students
  • Physical abuse of other students
  • Sexual abuse of other students
  • Bullying of other students
  • Financial exploitation of other students
  • Pressuring students to go beyond their threshold
  • Pressuring students for sessions
  • Post offensive or inappropriate content in the EP platforms
  • Acting outside of scope of practice (Eg. Students conducting a practice session as if they are certified, giving advice about medication etc.)
  • Exposing other students private information without their consent
  • Giving false or misleading information to other students 
  • Quoting EP training in order to give advice around life decisions
  • Giving medical advice to other students
  • Giving financial advice to other students
  • Giving relationship advice to other students (Eg. leave your marriage)

EP reserves the right to remove students who breach community standards from the platforms, a refund will not be offered in this situation. 

By signing below you are agreeing to abide by the community standards and stating that you understand the above points clearly:


As EP practitioners there is a code of conduct which is expected to be followed by all practitioners when working with the public, these codes also apply to the students prior to certification whilst giving their practice sessions. These codes are aligned with the Health Complaints Commissioners general code of conduct for general health practitioners, which is what an EP practitioner falls under within the state of victoria. It is also up to each student to familiarise themselves with the codes of conduct and governing bodies within their state or country.


  • Provide safe and ethical healthcare
  • Obtain consent for treatment
  • Take care to protect clients from infection
  • Minimise harm and act appropriately if something goes wrong
  • Report concerns about other practitioners to EP trainers
  • Keep appropriate records and comply with privacy laws
  • Be covered by insurance

Must not:

  • Mislead clients about their products, services or qualifications
  • Put clients at risk due to the practitioners own physical or mental health problems
  • Practice under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Make false claims about curing serious illnesses such as cancer
  • Exploit clients financially
  • Have an inappropriate or personal relationship with clients
  • Discourage clients from seeking other health care, or refuse to cooperate with other practitioners if the client does.

By signing below you are agreeing to the codes of conduct, and understand that these codes apply whilst working with the general public and conducting, advertising or speaking about EP sessions. You agree that these codes of conduct also apply whilst conducting practice sessions within the EP student community.

Embodied Processing [Payment Plan]

The Bottom-Up Approach To Healing Trauma & Nervous System Dysregulation

The promise we give is that you will be given a simple, yet comprehensive model based on the latest neuroscience to understand the human experience, as well as an effective process to work with this on yourself and also with clients.

What you'll get:

  • Lifetime access to course material
  • Live monthly Q&A's with Ryan & Matt
  • Weekly Peer Study Groups in different Time Zones
  • Student Community Access


What People Are Saying:

This is the course that turns your thoughts about healing trauma on its head. Embedded in current theory around the mind-body connection and utilising principles that bring about long lasting change, I am forever grateful to be a part of this course, both personally and professionally.

Robin Pantours

Rich with evidence-based information. Embodied Processing is easily the most comprehensive and thorough online training I've ever engaged in. The theory component is extensive and rich with evidence-based information. I enjoyed how Ryan and Matt deliver the content and weave in their personal stories where relevant. I feel like they have introduced me to a whole new world, both in a business and personal sense. And I know the theory is always accessible if I ever feel like I need a refresh. There is also an incredibly supportive student community and plenty of ongoing learning via monthly calls. Ryan and Matt were also always very happy to answer any questions I had along the way. I'm so glad I trusted my gut instinct and enrolled in this course!

Sarah Cannata

The Centre for Healing know their stuff and are so passionate about helping people transform their lives. They are professional, full of wisdom and heart-centred humans who from their own embodied healing journeys are now passing on that wisdom. Highly recommend their courses.
