The Centre for Healing Blog


Suppression of Joy

conditioning expression fear joy suppression May 20, 2022
Suppression of Joy

A friend of mine once told me a story of when Columbus ships landed on the Caribbean. The captains and sailors were very taken back by the natives and how happy they were.

Some of the sailors wrote letters to their families back home telling them how the natives were far too happy and needed to be disciplined, and others spoke about how the worst thing about the natives was how they did not spank their children.

My friend called this kind of thinking and conditioning “organised crime”.

As we develop through our formative years often we experience an inherent disconnect where we learn to suppress and control ourselves in very toxic ways.




The way we are met by our culture, by our caregivers, by our educators and peers can potentially cause a shutting down of our natural, spontaneous way of expressing who we are in any given moment.

This often causes a split in the psyche, the “I” that resists expression, resists our humanity, and the expression itself. “I” then becomes separate from my experience and my expression.

We learn to contort ourselves, we learn to keep up appearances and fit in as our experience tells us we will not be accepted as we are.

This is one of the original wounds that causes the shutting down of the joy of Being. The suppression of joy is directly related to this split in the psyche, when we experience states of intense joy it is often co-opted by a part in the background that holds back, that is fearful of truly allowing ourselves to let go and express freely.

A kind of subtle or not so subtle freeze response can permeate our letting go into the experience. This form of internal control shows up as knots in the body, if we have body awareness we can feel the resistance when it arises.


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Joy cannot be manufactured or acquired, joy is inherent in who/what we are.

It is a natural state and it appears spontaneously as we begin to heal this disconnect, when our body, mind and spirit is emptied of imprints and realises we are allowed to be exactly as we are.

Imagine dancing freely, as if nobody's watching…Now imagine dancing freely, whilst everyone is watching. 

Notice the difference between the two imaginings, and you will make conscious the very resistance to allowing yourself to be fully you in the presence of others, or fully you in the presence of yourself..

Joy cannot be manufactured or acquired, joy is inherent in who/what we are. It is a natural state, and it appears spontaneously as we begin to heal this disconnect.

In peace,
The Centre for Healing

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