The Centre for Healing Blog


Suppression of Joy conditioning expression fear joy suppression May 20, 2022

A friend of mine once told me a story of when Columbus ships landed on the Caribbean. The captains and sailors were very taken back by the natives and how happy they were.

Some of the sailors...

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Protection vs Connection connection energy fatigue fear protection soma somatic survival May 03, 2022

There was a discovery made by Bruce Lipton where he found that every cell in our body has two switches. One side of the switch being shut down and surviving, the other side of the switch being...

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What is Belief Mining? emotional healing failure fear limiting beliefs Mar 05, 2021

If you are in the personal development or healing space, you might be aware of the term ‘Limiting Belief’. The beliefs systems or filters in which directly influence how we see...

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How to rise above fear and uncertainty. addictions fear mental health mindfulness stress Mar 28, 2020

These are certainly uncertain times that we are currently experiencing on a global level.

So, as the worlds economy is crashing, many of us are losing our jobs and businesses and aren’t sure...

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