The Centre for Healing Blog


Cultivating Unconditional Self-Compassion From a Trauma Informed Perspective - Part 2 change emotion mindfulness self-compassion Jun 19, 2024

Click here to read part 1 of the blog.

The Paradox of Change

Part of the paradox of change is that the more we try to change, the more we stay the same. What you resist persists! What you...

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Mindfulness Made Easy meditation mindful mindfulness presence reflection Mar 28, 2022

Mindfulness - The Buzz Term of the Last Decade

We could jump on Amazon and buy 100 different mindfulness book right now.
There is so much different information on what is a very simple topic.

In the...

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How to rise above fear and uncertainty. addictions fear mental health mindfulness stress Mar 28, 2020

These are certainly uncertain times that we are currently experiencing on a global level.

So, as the worlds economy is crashing, many of us are losing our jobs and businesses and aren’t sure...

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The Ultimate Trauma Therapy Checklist.

11 Steps to Client Success - Get it for FREE Now!
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