The Centre for Healing Blog


The Importance of Safety in Healing

embodied processing embodiement emotional healing healing integration resource safety soma somatic Mar 28, 2022

"Safety is Healing" - Dr Stephen Porges

When someone has accumulated many traumatic imprints throughout their life, with no skills to regulate or process then the nervous system loses its sense of Safety.

We can go decades without truly feeling safe in our bodies.
At this point there is no capacity to deal with life's various situations & challenges.

When we Grow in Capacity then we have a solid foundation to deal with these challenges.
A container of Safety will start to build resilience and the emotional reactions can be dissolved into this safety.

Once our capacity continues to grow then the old emotional wounds from our past can be welcomed back to be integrated.

Feeling safe in the body can be a gradual process.
Like planting a seed. If we water that seed and continually look after it, it will grow.

We know we are growing when our language changes from "I can't handle this" to "I got this!"

Ryan Hassan (Co-Founder at The Centre for Healing)

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