The Centre for Healing Blog


Understanding the Role of Embodied Processing in Unraveling Domestic Violence: Exploring the Depths of Rage and Healing abused domestic violence embodiment emotionalhealing generational healing healing melbourne mental health mentalhealthawareness rage trauma therapy trauma trigger Oct 03, 2023

Warning: this important conversation includes the topic of domestic violence. Please consider whether this article may be disturbing to you. If you anticipate this topic to be too triggering for...

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Raise Your Vibrational Frequency emotionalhealing spiritual healing melbourne spiritualhealing traumahealing traumarecovery Jun 04, 2016

If you are on the path of raising your vibration then this practical list will help you in-between your healing sessions or on your new spiritual journey. 

As you take on more light (or more...

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How To Ease "The Healing Hangover" addictionrecovery emotionalhealing healing mentalhealthawareness spiritualhealing tmch traumahealing traumarecovery May 11, 2016

The ‘healing hangover’ or technically the Integration Period after a deep healing session.

A few of our clients are going through this at the moment, so it inspired me to write up...

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The Healing Hangover - My personal experience emotionalhealing spiritual healing melbourne spiritualhealing traumahealing traumarecovery Apr 21, 2016

If you have experienced a healing before, you may be aware of the healing hangover during the integration period.

When I first experienced this for myself, I was not warned about how I would...

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Why Is It So Hard To Forgive? emotionalhealing forgiveness spiritualhealing traumahealing traumarecovery Apr 16, 2016

When I think of the word forgiveness, I think of my clients who find it hard to forgive someone. By the end of the session they have, but the main feeling that they needed to release first was the...

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Have We Chosen Our Family? addictionrecovery emotionalhealing kamic contracts mentalhealthawareness relationshipkarma soulcontracts soulfamily spiritualhealing traumahealing traumarecovery Mar 18, 2016

Have you heard that saying when it comes to your family, “well you can’t choose them”?

Is this, in fact, true though?

The truth is that we do choose our parents, or they have...

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What Is Spirituality emotionalhealing spiritual healing melbourne spiritualhealing traumahealing traumarecovery Jan 21, 2016

How is spirituality different to being religious?  That is a question that we are often asked, and to answer as simply as possible here is a run down of what we believe to be true...

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