The Centre for Healing Blog


What are Adaptations? healing trauma trauma informed Jan 19, 2022

As we develop through our childhood we slowly learn which parts of ourselves are acceptable, and which parts are not.

We learn via our parents, our teachers, our culture, social structure, social...

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What's the Difference Between Embodied Processing and Root-Cause Therapy? embodied processing healing practitioner root-cause therapy rootcausetherapy trainings trauma informed Dec 12, 2021

Click 'play' above to watch the video above which explains the main concepts of each modality and how they can work together.

Many people who find our work wonder where to start. Both of our...

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A Harsh Truth - Thoughts on the Climate Crisis. climate change climate crisis Jul 22, 2021
A Harsh Truth - Thoughts on the Climate Crisis.
Whilst most are glued to the news, stuck in a survival state due to the lockdowns and the fear-mongering of the media, wondering when our...
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What is Belief Mining? emotional healing failure fear limiting beliefs Mar 05, 2021

If you are in the personal development or healing space, you might be aware of the term ‘Limiting Belief’. The beliefs systems or filters in which directly influence how we see...

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How I Got Over My Caffeine Addiction caffeine addiction caffeinewithdrawal caffeinewithdrawalsymptoms coffee withdrawal Sep 30, 2020

This has got to be one of the most widely accepted and minimised addictions ... caffeine addiction. 


Here’s a bit about my journey...


So I only started to become a daily...

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Emotional Attunement emotional attunement generational healing heal trauma informed trauma sensitive Sep 03, 2020

My best teacher, our toddler Tommy, reminded me of the following and I thought I would share it with you all as it's an important part of the human condition.

Because he cannot express verbally...

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EMDR vs Root-cause Therapy Treatment Benefits emdr rootcausetherapy traumarecovery Aug 25, 2020

When it comes to treatment of mental health issues, such as depression, PTSD, anxiety and more it has been found over and over again that healing trauma can be effective in recovery of many...

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Root Cause Therapy Supports Chronic Suffering chronic pain emotional healing healing mental health practitioner root-cause therapy trauma Aug 06, 2020

My journey and education to date, has led me to believe that Dis-ease is an expression of an energetic imbalance within our body. 

Below is video from Dr. Gabor Mate’ discussing...

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The Ultimate Trauma Therapy Checklist.

11 Steps to Client Success - Get it for FREE Now!
Download the Checklist for FREE Here