The Centre for Healing Blog
"The State that we're in & the Emotions we're Experiencing will dictate the course of our Lives"
When we came into this world we started learning many things.
Crawling, walking, talking,...
What does it feel like to be you, in your body, in this moment?
When describing who we are we automatically start talking about our roles and 'what we do'
Yes, this is one level of identity however...
In spiritual circles you might hear addiction described as a loss of the Self or Soul.
People often say the addictive behaviour is an attempt to get Home, a longing to experience their...
3 Myths about Trauma
1 - Trauma is what happens to us
We classically think of trauma as a certain event, sexual abuse, veteran at war, car crash.
Trauma is actually what happens INSIDE of us as a...
Fight / Flight / Freeze / Fawn
I'm sure you've heard of these nervous system states at some point.
In the above video we talk about what that actually looks like inside the branches of the Autonomic...
Orphaned Part = Split off part of one's Psyche & Being
Created during a time of extreme distress.
The Nervous System perceives threat and the 'threat response' never finds full completion.
Have you ever had a dream and forgot that you were dreaming?
Have you ever been so immersed in your own imagination, that you believed it to be 100% real?
(read in morpheus voice)
If we close our...
Stress contractions accumulate over one's life created by situations where there is perceived threat, whether that be to one's identity or an actual physical threat.
They accumulate within the...