The Centre for Healing Blog
We asked our amazing community what was preventing them from staying connected to the healing path
Here's what they told us:
- It becomes repetitive & stale
- 'Life' starts getting in the way
- ...
Strategies for maintaining healthy relationships:
- I-Statements not you-statements– Experiment with speaking from I-statements and from your feelings. E.g. I feel hurt or angry etc., as this...
Click play above to watch the live class replay.
To find out more about Trauma-Informed Manifestation Coaching Certification, visit this link here ...
18 Practices for Freeing Yourself from Emotional Suffering
1. Re-frame it
- The first and most important step in managing depression is to see it as a 'message' or invitation to understand and...
I continue to recognize this survival pattern, noticing more subtle ways it is still functioning in my life. I also see it is very common in many people. (everyone to some degree).
At the...
Unwinding Bodily Stress with Embodied Processing
Stored stress…..we’ve all got it to varying degrees.
Once it hits a certain threshold it can manifest as a myriad of different symptoms....
Click here to read part 1 of the blog.
Re-sensitizing and connecting back the body:
Embodiment work is focused on -
- Appreciating that the body is the royal road to what’s out of...
“Where the body is not sensed being is diminished "– Jim Kepner.
”If you inhabit your body, you inhabit yourself ”– Peter Levine
A basic premise for embodied therapies...