The Centre for Healing Blog


What to do when your clients/patients cannot sleep insomnia insomniatreatment sleep traumahealing traumarecovery Jul 28, 2020

We naturally want the best for our clients, and when we cannot help them in a particular area it can become frustrating for them and ourselves.


When we think about sleep, we understand that...

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What is Root-Cause Therapy? addictionrecovery rct traumahealing traumarecovery Jun 18, 2020

What is Root-Cause Therapy?


Root-Cause Therapy is a trauma healing method which uses regression to allow the completion of unprocessed emotions which are still presently causing unwanted...

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Keys to a Successful Healing Business. business healing practice Jun 04, 2020

I was having a chat on the support call with one of our students yesterday and she mentioned that she still feels blocked to put herself out there.

All of us can feel like this to some degree,...

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How to rise above fear and uncertainty. addictions fear mental health mindfulness stress Mar 28, 2020

These are certainly uncertain times that we are currently experiencing on a global level.

So, as the worlds economy is crashing, many of us are losing our jobs and businesses and aren’t sure...

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How Failing made me Successful business failure job success Feb 09, 2020

I was in a stressful day job,
getting paid by the hour and feeling like I was wasting my life away.

Feeling like I was failing my life opened me up to seeking an alternative way to make money and...

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Healing Babies babies healing infants trauma Jan 12, 2020

Having a baby is a major event. I know myself, my now 14th month old has finally stopped screaming (as much) and is almost walking on his own… it’s truly amazing to watch.

From my...

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How Depression Saved My Life fitness health mental health Aug 03, 2018

Individuals suffering through depression along with their families often feel as though their anxiety is doomed to become a permanent part of their identity. Thankfully, this is not the case. At...

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How To Use Your Intuition business healing melbourne intuition life guidance melbourne mentor soul spiritual healing melbourne Aug 07, 2016

Your intuition can be such a powerful tool in all areas of your life.

I was inspired to write this from a conversation today with my mum. She was feeling emotional and couldn’t make sense or...

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11 Steps to Client Success - Get it for FREE Now!
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